HPR1000 (Hualong One) is a proven, safe and economically advanced PWR nuclear power technology that is independently developed by CNNC, incorporating its 30 years of design, engineering and operation experience. The technical solution of HPR1000 (Hualong One) has adopted the design concepts of active and passive. It has passed the GRSR International Atomic Energy Agency.
Satisfies international standards for Gen-III nuclear technologies Active & Passive safety systems Integrated severe accident prevention & mitigation measures Strengthened protection against and response to external eventsRELIABLE
NSSS proved by long-term operation A mature active safety system verified by operation A passive safety system verified by analyses and experiments Mature equipment manufacturing and construction techniquesECONOMICAL
Extended refueling cycle and with higher plant availability Extended plant design lifetime Controllable construction period A mature industrial chainNo. | Type of power plant | Unit | Parameters |
1 | Nominal Electric Power | MWe | ≥1200 |
2 | Designed Lifetime | Year | 60 |
3 | Refueling Cycle | Month | 18 |
4 | Plant Availability | ≥90% | |
5 | Unplanned Automatic Scrams | 1 / Year | <1 |
6 | Daily load following capacity peak | Yes | |
7 | Peak Ground Acceleration | g | 0.3 |
8 | Core Damage Frequency | 1/reactor year | <1×10-6 |
9 | Large Release Frequency | 1/reactor year | <1×10-7 |
10 | Occupational Exposure Dose | Person per Sv/reactor per year | <1 |